3 entries.
wrote on 12 July 2022
4:47 pm
Top job everyone , cheers AL
Christopher Cachia
wrote on 4 June 2022
7:48 am
Thanks, Cory for all your efforts in giving life to our website, reconstructing it from our initial inception to now making us modern; transparent and engaging pigeon federation for all members in the west!
Christopher Cachia
wrote on 19 April 2022
3:39 am
Well done Cory for helping me establish our wonderful new website with all the mod cons and looking forward to introducing new features to help take our sport to the online world of communications.
Michael Portelli says:
Hi Sergio, you wouldn’t fall within the boundary for the Western Pigeon Federation, however there are two federations that I am pretty sure you would be eligible for. The Victorian Racing pigeon Union, (VRPU), or the Greater Melbourne Pigeon Federation, (GMPF).
For the VRPU …contact Jim Davis on 9372 7960
For the GMPF….contact Tony McPherson on 0424 838 788
If you don’t have any luck you can ring me on 9315 0212 and I’ll do my best to find someone that can help you.
All the best….Michael Portelli.
Sergio Tribuzio says:
I live on Greenvale Melb
Are there any Clubs near my area
Michael Portelli says:
Darren, I’m soo sorry for the late reply to your query, your message went through to the spam folder for some reason! If you can provide me with your exact address I will definitely make some enquiries for you to find out if you fall inside the Western boundary. All the best for Xmas and the New Year. Regards….Michael.
Darren says:
Can anyone tell me if ballan is in the boundry for the wpf
Michael Portelli says:
Thankyou so much for your kind comment Gail, Hope you and your husband are enjoying your birds and this years season thankyou also for looking after your brief visitor
All the best. Alison
Gail turner says:
My husband & i let our birds out for their usual daily fly when i noticed a pigeon land on a dead branch up in the back paddock. It flew over to our birds & started looking for food. We managed to catch it with fresh food. I telephoned WPF & left a message with the birds ring number. I decided to google WPF & was amazed with your website. Was great to be able a list of your races & galley pics. Keep up the great work. Now i wait for a reply regarding our lost visitor
Michael Portelli says:
Sorry Darren, just updated the site now…the AGM is on this Friday 26th February at 7 pm. Hope we see you there.
Darren says:
Wen and wat time is the WPF AGM does any one know its not on the website
Boguslaw says:
Hello. Nice website.
I’m a Pigeons Breeder from Poland. I breed “Koenigsberg Moorehead Tumbler Pigeon”
I invite to my website http://www.barwnoglowki.pl
michael says:
Thankyou very much Mark….congratulations to you too for your 600 mile result…great effort. Always a pleasure to cart the Geelong birds, we have always had a great relationship between the Feds and we look forward to it continuing through the years ahead.
mark gusman says:
well done Michael and Alison on winning the fed average again also many thanks for looking after the geelong birds
michael says:
Mick, we had problems with the result site we were using for results and the guy who designed it quit so we have put the results for the last two races on here…look under last years results (if u click on this years it takes u to the other site)…and you’ll see them listed on the right hand side along with all our pool results for each race this year. On the front page of this site towards the bottom of the page I always write a small bio on the fed winner of each week but for the whole fed result go to last years’ results. So sorry for the confusion. Alison.
Mick from brisbane says:
What’s the go with the results…….no Bourne and no barrigun results ????
Very disappointment …ex flyers like to keep up with the news
Tony Mc Pherson says:
Many thanks to all those WPF members who came accross to the Croydon Club rooms for the Croydon 5 bird classic, we all had a great night , plenty of great banter and fun during the little Auction and Calcutta that was run, many thanks to Simon Grech for his generous donation of a lovely Silver Shadow Grizzle , mush appreciated.
The bird were released at 10-00am in Kyabram, light Nth/ Nth West wind , they did not circle just headed straight for home, so GOOD LUCK to you all, and once again many thanks.
Hope you will come back and see us again , we enjoyed your company.
Tony Mc
Tony Mc Pherson says:
Hi everyone,
the race season is drawing to a close once again, gee hasn’t the time gone by so quickly. Congratulations to all the fanciers whom have enjoyed success during the year thus far.
I am reminding everyone that the Croydon 5 bird Classic is on once again this year, basketting at the Croydon Club rooms on Friday 1st November 2013 from 6-00pm – 8-00pm , entry fee is $50-00 plus $10-00 for transport total cost $60-00 whether you send 1 bird or five birds, the race will be held on the Saturday 2nd November 2013 from the KYABRAM club rooms. Hughes Park reserve Melways page 37 C7, get a few together and have some fun .
BBQ , drinks , raffle and Calcutta, Auction of some birds on the night of basketting, production of clocks after the race will be at 7-30pm Saturday night. Always a very good time.
You need to supply your loft co ordinates to us either on the night or a few days before the race.
My contact number is Mob : 0424838788 Tony Mc Pherson
Also on Friday 25th October Neil Jansen is Auctioning all of his birds at the Croydon rooms , great opportunity to gain some very well credentialed long distance pigeons, bloodlines are BobEatons, Alby Flenley lines. Sale begins at 7-30 pm.
All the very best for today from Cobar, it should be a great race,
Tony Mc
Carol Masuch says:
WPF 12643 wants to come home please. I have lost my way. Currently living in a cat cage with water and rice. Can you help ? Carol or Peter 03 5753 4444
michael says:
Wish I could have been there myself Mark. I was glad to hear that quite a few people did go….your mum deserved it, she did a lot for the Federation and was a wonderful, giving friend to many, many people. May time ease the pain you, your family and friends are feeling. Take care…..Ali.
Mark Tung says:
Hi All,
I would like to thank all the people who attended my mothers funeral, it was good to see so many people show there respect, thank you from my family.
Mark Tung
Joe Angelino says:
I would would like to Welcome our 1st Year flyers to the WPF Jake Smith , Barry Brothers , Jerry Lai & Willson Lac , I hope you guys have an awesome season , Do Not Be Shy to ask for Help , there are lots of members like myself who are more than happy to help , Have Fun
my apologies if i have forgotten to mention any other new flyers CHEERS

Joe Angelino says:
#### Hi Everyone I will be Mob Tossing In 2 Weeks Pick Up Point will be Same as last year at the living Jungle $15 Per Person , I will be there from 8 & leaving 8:40 SHARP !!! ##### You Can Call Me On 0425771638 CHEERS *****

Joe Angelino says:
Hi Tony all the guys & Girls ive been speaking to are keen as ever
& cannot wait for the 1st race , I hope we all have a great season . Is the GMPF having the King Island race if so could you please let us know time & date cheers 
Tony Mc Pherson says:
Hi Guys,
what a great year we are all looking towards, North line , hopefully good winds and better weather, can’t wait for the season to begin. Looks like the GMPF will have more members racing this year also, and even more next year, things are looking good.
The GMPF are running their breeders plate once again race point to be determined on North East Line in September 2014.
Sale dates :
23rd November Croydon Club
8th December Morning Mist
5th January Frankston
19th January Dandenong.
Five birds per member per sale. also 15 rings Auctioned at each sale.
Rings will also be sold from each center, $30-00 per ring @ 5 rings per flier per center. Will be available from July.
Just wondering whether or not the WPF , Union and GMPF , Geelong could run a sprint series next season , just before the Old bird series , we would need to talk about it now , food for thought.
Remember Bahri Besiktepe is having a sale on 26th May 2013 at WPF rooms. Some really good birds up for Auction.
Looking forward to the year, have a good’n.
Tony Mc
michael says:
Hi Tony, Thank you so much for your comment. Considering this was our first year back after the PMV1 virus that had the potential to kill off the sport of racing pigeons for a number of years, we were all really pleased with the way things turned out. Co-operation between the Federations is at an all time high and it is our hope that we can foster this further to create a happy and productive enviroment for all pigeon flyers.
Michael Portelli
Tony Mc Pherson says:
Hi everyone in the Western Pigeon Federation, just love the comments page that you have set up.
I must say that we have had a great year in the Greater Melbourne Pigeon Federation, and we have enjoyed the co operation between the WPF and GMPF over the past few seasons , let’s all make 2013 and beyond even better for all concerned, the association with the Geelong Fed and the VRPU should be fostered even further where we once again have the National type racing between the WPF, GMPF , VRPU and Geelong in the longer races like in the past, the more we all work together the better for all of our members.
Look forward to communicating more on this page.
Tony Mc
Joe Angelino says:
Your welcome

michael says:
Thankyou so much for your kind words Joe. Your comment is almost a carbon copy of what I have been saying to Michael for most of the year. It IS soo nice to see things running smoothly and to know that people notice and appreciate the work we do to keep things that way. Hopefully next season will be even better!!
Joe Angelino says:
Congratulations to G.Miter for winning the last race of the season CARRIETON , This is G.Miter’s 2nd fed Win for the year well done
There were only 27 Birds clocked on day well done to everyone who clocked on day ,And there were only 2 cock Birds clocked on day , Most flyers i spoke to had good returns on the 2nd day …… Another season gone with KNOW PROBLEMS AT ALL !!!! This years Board have done an OUTSTANDING JOB ,I cannot remember the Western Pigeon Federation running so SMOOTHLY and members being so HAPPY in a very long time
we are all looking forward to season 2013 It should be BIGGER & BETTER !!!!! On behalf of all the Members we want to give a BIG thanx to Our President Mr. Felix Lia , Vice President Mr. C.Abela , Secretary Mr. M. Portelli , Treasurer Mr. T. Abraham , Ring Secretary Mrs Pauline Pulis , Clock Chairmen Mr. C. Bonnici , Liberation committee Mr. M. Portelli & Mr. D. Vatsakis , Chief Convoyer . Mr. J. Calleja , & to all the other Board members as well , & Alison Portelli for helping us with our new web site ….. THANK YOU ALL FOR A JOB WELL DONE

mark gusman says:
Also a thank you to felix lia..
mark gusman says:
congratulations michael & alison portelli on winning 5 feds also winning the old bird average this year.you have done a great job looking after the geelong birds..Thanks.
Joe Angelino says:
Congratulations to Mathews.&.Davis for winning the 1st MORGAN & Congratulations to J&M.PORTELLI for winning the 2nd MORGAN , Well done Guys

Matt says:
Congratulations Michael on 1st & 2 nd place,1 st WPF to win 5 feds in a season and also well done on securing the fed average for 2012
michael says:
Thankyou very much Matt
simon grech says:
hey guys im running a ONE LOFT RACE next season from my new loft in kingspark 3 races in total totalling over $70,000 in prize money open to the 1st 250 entries for details contact simon grech of the green gully club @ 0414912206.
simon grech says:
congrats to mr m.portelli on a record 5 X 1ST FED WINS in old birds a first in the wpf. well done mick and ali….
Matt says:
well done
Matt says:
well done
Joe Angelino says:
Well done to JESSUP&TOPALOVIC Igor was over the moon when i spoke with him last night Great stuff mate
Joe Angelino says:
Congratulations to R.ZIAJA&LUP For winning the Renmark Breeders Plate
Matt says:
Well done to Arthur in last week’s produce and congrats to Igor on winning this week….
Joe Angelino says:
Hi Guys I have a fresh load of Grain comming down this week !!! 40kg Peas $22 – 40kg Corn $22 – 40kg lupin $22 -40kg Wheat $18 – 40kg Barly $18 – 40kg Oats $18 & 20kg Saff $25 , I also take fed photos of race birds only $60 Contact Joe on 0425771638 Cheers
Joe Angelino says:
Unit Tossing with Joe angelino from Harcourt , Pick up Point at Living Jungle along Ballarat Rd I get there at 7:50 & Leave 8:30 Sharp ,Only $15 all welcome my mobile number is 0425771638 all tossing liberation gets Video Recorded & Put up on Face Book , Pigeon Fanciers Ausralia , Regards : Joe Angelino
Joe Angelino says:
Hi all I have a Pigeon Site on Face Book called Pigeon Fanciers Australia its Free to Join up and theres over 300 Members , Come and have a look at lots of videos & Photos of Pigeon Fanciers in Australia and all over the World your more than welcome to sighn up , Regards Joe Angelino
Joe Angelino says:
Well done to A.Letwoski for winning the Renmark & Renmark Produce with 2 Diffrent Birds ,Great Stuff
Ray Zammit says:
well done guys with a very good website ,good information ,nice photos ,keep up the good work guys.
Paul Fairweather says:
All flyers are are welcome to join my pigeon racing forum with so far 370 members http://www.pigeonforum.com. au a good website you have here best regards Paul
Joe Angelino says:
Congratulations to George Fontana for winning our 3rd Mildura race , And a very BIG thank you and a BIG PAT on the Back to Michael Portelli for making a good call on Liberating the Race Birds on the Sunday , Keep up the good work Mick
Matt says:
congratulations Mr G.Miter on taking out the Peter O’Sullivan
michael says:
Thanks Matt…nice to know there is someone looking!! All the pics are thanks to our good friend Ray Tucker who has become the resident WPF photographer! (I’m still trying to get a photo of him to put up in the gallery!!) It would be so much better if we could get some more people to comment on the website and what is happening at the time with the season, so we can get the site to be a bit more interactive. It’s been a lot of work to get it this far and we’d love to see it being utelised by all the members. Good luck with the rest of the season…Ali.
Matt says:
Hi Guys the pictures in the gallery look fantastic….
Matt says:
congratulations to the Keilor boys on a clean sweep in the double header.
nfl jerseys for sale says:
Good post. I just stumbled upon your topic and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your posts.
Confused says:
Well done lee for winning your 4th fed this season I hope you break the record and go on to win a few more
michael mccarthy says:
website looks good , well done lee
Mark Tung says:
Michael, well done old Fella.
Matt says:
Congratulations Michael Portelli,well done!
Matt says:
Congrats to Joe Angelino and Carlene on their first fed win.I had the pleasure to verify this lovely Blue Bar.
Matt says:
i think the little write up on the fed winning flyer is brilliant,keep up the great work.
michael says:
Thanks for logging in every week and commenting on how we are going with this website Matt. I really appreciate the input…hopefully we can get some more people interested in looking at it from week to week. All the best for the race this week, Ali.
Matt says:
Congratulations Lee well done….
keep racing her….
michael says:
Thanks John for checking in and leaving comments for us every week, nice to see that all the work we’re doing is appreciated. Good luck with this weeks race. Ali
john berto says:
cody says:
Hey guys I’m working on the sections over the weekend so we can set lofts to their proper sections without effecting previous results.
A feature will be created to see what section you are in based on the current series.
This will show a list of flyers from longest distance to shortest.
Will keep you posted.
michael says:
gee whiz…one mistake and an eagle eyed member found it!!! lol I’ll have to talk to Cody to see if that can be edited, I can’t see how I can do it myself. Thanks for the comments, hope your holiday is going well….Ali
Chris Cachia says:
Well done Michael on your win! I have a tip for you or who ever sets up races.
All race headings should be entered in the same format like the first 3 races Wedderburn – lower case. BIRCHIP has been entered in upper case. Whilst this is fine it will look “funny” in my opinion when you print out your end of year fed certificate ?
What ever format you decide to choose I suggest stick with it for every race.
Have a look at the previous years to give you some ideas and you can decide what’s best?
Yours in sport from sunny Malta
john berto says:
well done Mr portelli
matt says:
Well done so far to Lee Wyllie,Frank Schembri and Michael Portelli…… first 3 fed winners of the year
Chris Cachia says:
Hi Michael & Allison
Wow! What can I say …. I really love how you are using the web site to publish liberation details, commentary on the race etc. This is fantastic. Your efforts are appreciated by the members. I’m sorry I haven’t been there to help but I’d seems all is well without me.
Well done to all the winners today
Yours in Sport from sunny Malta
Chris Cachia
Cody says:
Hi Michael / Alison
Well done with the front page, it looks like you got the information you need on there.
Ill keep in touch regarding updates to this website
john berto says:
john bertosays: