Wow, what a year that was. Congratulations to all the winners, especially to the Vella family for taking out the record prize money pool of $32,254.89, a record in the Western Pigeon Federation. Records were broken on many fronts, and I was totally humbled by taking eight federation wins and winning the short and combined distance averages.
A big congratulations to Matt Ciancio on winning the prestigious 600-mile event and the long-distance averages. He was very consistent throughout the whole year, taking 3-second fed spots as well.
This was also a year for partnerships, with more federation wins than any other form of participant. The successful partnership model was awarded 17 federation wins. This may be a sign of how to successfully race pigeons in the modern era.
Congratulations to the winning partnerships as follows:
Cachia Holwell and Cini 8
R Ziaja & G Lup 3
Huang & Zheng 2
J & J Pulis 2
Russell & West 1
M & N Ciancio 1
All prize money will be paid directly to your nominated bank account. If you’ve already given your bank details, you don’t need to do anything else. Prize money will be paid once the board approves it.
For any members who have changed their bank details or would like money paid to a new bank account, please send your details to the treasurer’s mobile phone number.
Thanks in advance.