WPF BREEDERS PLATE – 15th September, 2024 (Condobolin)

WPF BREEDERS PLATE – 15th September, 2024 (Condobolin)

Benzing Live Australia Results

In todays race The WPF Breeders Plate 2024 from Condobolin.

Participants: 284 birds from 61 lofts.

Liberation: Birds were released at 7.20am into clear blue skys with light southerly winds. On release the birds left the race point in one group in a straight line and were out of sight within 1 minute. The winds for the journey home are forecasted to be between 20-30km southerly.

Convoyer side note. “I was disappointed they did not even do one circle to say thankyou to me for feeding and watering them LOL.😀


Production of clocks no later than 8.00pm.

Benzing Live users. Evaluation to be done by 7.00pm.  Non WPF flyers, please put the following email address in your email notifications settings. E: secretary@wpf.org.au.  If we do not recieve your evaluation email it will be assumed you did not clock.

Those producing at the rooms on the night must bring their clock bird.

Those useing Benzing Live if their bird is in the prize pool results will contacted and asked to bring their bird for verification.

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