WPF Board Meeting 10th of August 2015
In attendance: R Russell; M Portelli; C Abela; D Vatsakis; C Cachia; J Smith; A Papadakis; T Holwell
Apologies: J Farrugia
President Ray Russell opened the meeting at 7.35 pm.
Previous board minutes were read and received.
Moved: C Cachia Seconded: T Holwell
Business arising out of previous meeting:
Correspondence received:
1) Graeme Ellis – Seek letter for a pro rata refund of race fees as he cannot continue racing due to unforeseen circumstances.
Finance Report:
Finance and Treasury report was read. All in order. Moved Cachia Seconded J Smith.
Response to Letters:
1) A credit would be provided for the 2016 race season.
All in Favour
General Business
This year the WPF will be organizing the Yolla transport and welfare of our race birds. We have been advised by Wayne Harkam that we can take 12 units which need to be shared amongst all federations.
As a result we have allocated WPF – 4 units ; VRPU – 4 units; Greater Melbourne and Geelong members – 4 units.
WPF members will have a 10 bird limit.
Given this is the first time organizing Yolla we have realised for 2016 race season, WPF fliers will be asked to nominate how many birds they would like to enter at the start of the year. This should allow better utilisation of the space allocated.
Prize money was increased from $3 to $5 per pigeon.
Moved R Russell Seconded J Smith 7 in Favour 1 Against
Breeders Plate – Barbeque to be provided by the WPF and catered by Des Vatsakis and Andrew Papadakis. A new barbeque will be purchased.
Open to all members; friends and other federation members.
WPF Squeaker Sale will be held on the 8th of January 2016. For members who are unable to attend they can donate pigeons and or nominate ring numbers to Ray Russell.
Club Secretaries are reminded of the following birds per tier.
Basketing Day
Friday 35
Thursday 30
Wednesday 25
Next meeting 14th of September at 7.30 pm
Meeting closed: 9.05 pm
Ray Russell