Meeting opened 8.00 pm

Given we only had 28 financial members present we had to wait ½ hour before we could start.

Previous AGM Minutes:

Minutes from 2014 AGM were read and received.

Moved J Berto

Seconded: J Angelino

Business Arriving from Previous AGM Minutes:

M Bennett asked why WPF section was not on our current agenda. Advised it was not part of WPF AGM guidelines.

Despite this it was moved by M Portelli that Bacchus Marsh and Melton to have there own section.

Carried by all members

None against.

Members are encouraged any issue they wish raised in the AGM to be submitted via there clubs in November of each year

19th of January 2015 B.O.M Minutes

Minutes from the January board of management were read and received.

Moved: J Pulis

Seconded: C Cachia

Finance Report”

Treasure Mr C Abela presented the cash flow statements and reports for the period ending 30/12/2014.

The treasurer’s report was read and received.

Moved: J Muscat

Seconded: J Berto



Election of Office Bearers

President nominations:

Ray Russell

Nominated: D Vatzakis

Seconded: J Muscat

Secretary / Public Officer:

Michael Portelli

Nominated: R Russell

Seconded: C Abela


C Abela

Nominated: C Cachia

Seconded: R Russell

All above were elected unopposed.

Board Members Nominations

T Holwell nominated by R Russell Seconded D Vatzakis

C Cachia nominated by R Russell seconded D Vatzakis

J Muscat nominated by R Russell Seconded D Vatzakis

J Angelino nominated by C Cachia Seconded D Vatsakis

D Vatzakis nominated by R Russell Seconded by C Cachia

J Smith nominated by M Portelli Seconded D Vatsakis

J Farrugia nominated by C Cachia Seconded M Portelli

J Pulis nominated by J Farrugia Seconded C Bonnici

A Papadakis nominated by J Muscat Seconded J Berto



General Business

It was moved by C Abela that any future board member must have 3 year consecutive flying experience with the WPF to be a board member. Seconded: T Abraham.

Defeated 24 against.

M Portelli moved that a board members must be a current flying member. Seconded B Webber.

Carried 20 for; 8 against.



T Abraham moved that honorariums be increased by $100 each. Seconded J Fontana

All in favour.


Closed 9.15 pm