WPF Special Board Meeting 22nd of June  2015

 In attendance:           R Russell; M Portelli; C Abela; D Vatsakis; C Cachia;  J Farrugia; J Muscat; J Smith; A Papadakis;    J Pulis; T Holwell and J Angelino

Apologies:   J Pulis

President Ray Russell opened the meeting at 7.30 pm.


Were discussed at length and will remain as is. A new North West section was created to accommodate the following clubs – Bacchus Marsh;  Sunbury and Melton.

See previous board minutes.

Moved:    J Angelino                          Seconded:  J Farrugia

Deer Park Club / J Spiteri lodged a letter seeking further  clarification on ETS clocking procedure.

Response is as follows:

The placement of ETS was discussed at length at this meeting in line with previous extensive deliberation in August BOM 2014. This racing by – law was amended in August 2014 to provide a fair and equitable playing filed for all members. The rule was updated from its initial inception in 2005. Rule 13.9 reads:

Amendment   reads:  Electronic pads must be underneath the common roof line and built into the face wall of the loft. The sensors / antennas of an EBSS must be within the entrance of the loft.

(This includes an entry into the face wall of the loft, as long as it is considered the entrance.)

Time does not permit any changes to this by law in 2015 racing season.


WPF Social Barbeque was a huge success with many members catching up and discussing their favorite topic ! Awesome food – Des Vatsakis. Thanks for organizing the catering.

Next meeting  13th of July 2015 at 7.30 pm

Meeting closed: 8.30 pm

Ray Russell
