MEADOWS ONE LOFT RACE CLASSIC – 7th September, 2024 (Condobolin, Squeaker Squadron 5)
Benzing Live Australia Results
First place wins two [2] free entries into the 2025 Meadows One Loft Race.
In todays race from Condobolin.
Participants: 69 WPF flyers with 1513 birds, 10 GCHC flyers with 72 birds, 44 flyers with 752 birds a total of 123 flyers and 2337 birds plus WPF junior participants.
Liberation: Birds were released at 7.40am into a 10-15km south/southwesterly wind. The bird left in one group out of sight within 3 minutes. The winds for the journey home are forecasted to be between 10-25km southwesterly. Due to no service a video was not able to be recorded.
Production of clocks no later than 7.00pm commencing from 6.00pm.
Trailer Unloading Club is Altona City & Green Gully Trailer Unloading Roster.
Benzing Live Users. Evaluation to be done no later than 1 hour before production of clocks.
Two [2] members from each club must remain behind until the truck is loaded to help.
Williamstown/Newport club will be holding a BBQ on production of NEXT WEEKs race 07.09.2024. Members are invited to produce at the Willi/Newport club next week and enjoy the free BBQ. RSVP C. Cachia M: 0418360771