WPF Board Meeting 12th May  2014

 In attendance:           R Russell; M Portelli; J Angelino; B Mizzi; C Abela; J Farrugia; D Vatsakis; J Muscat; G Fontana; C Cachia and Tony Abraham.

Apologies:      N Iannazzone

President Ray Russell opened the Special meeting at 7.30 pm

Board members behaviors was discussed at length to treat all board members with respect. If a member failed to provide respect to another board member then they will provided a warning. Should they continue to fail to provide respect to fellow board members then they will be terminated from the board.

All Board members in favour.

Moved C Cachia

Seconded M Portelli.

Special meeting closed at 8.00 pm

Previous minutes were read and received.

Moved:     C Cachia                         Seconded:  J. Farrugia

Correspondence received:

1)    Mr Tarak – Advising fliers are putting lost birds on face book and Pauline Pulis not reporting birds

2)    M Gusman – Accepted into  Altona City Club and he asked if a transfer form is needed.

3)   F Lia  –  Re application to clean the WPF rooms

4)   Altona City advising M Gusman has been accepted.

5)   Joe Muscat would like to apply to clean the drinkers & units.

6)   VPO asking us to transport their birds from 300 ml for the 2014 season.

7)  Sunshine Club has accepted 2 new members. These are:

Rodney Gianfala 32 Oleander Dve. St. Albans

John Attard 63 Fairfax Circuit, Albanvale.

Both flyers have flown with the WPF before but not in the past 5 years.

8) Melton Pigeon club including Sunbury/ Melton and Bacchus Marsh with 25 new members seeking to re join the WPF with there own section.

Finance Report:

9) Finance and Treasury report was read

Moved: J Muscat                            Seconded: J Farrugia

10) Brimbank Council lease to increase from $163.00 pa to $340.00 pa and expire in 2016.

 Response to letters:

1)  All birds reported via the the lost bird secretary Pauline  Pulis will be reported to a member as soon as possible.

2) All birds require  a transfer form.

3) F Lia has been awarded to clean the WPF rooms for $50. In particular he will:

Clean the floor, sweep and hose including toilets  inside only. In race season toilets are to be cleaned weekly. Off season as required.

Moved J Angelino Seconded T Abraham

4) Altona accepts a new member Mark Gusman

5) J Muscat is awarded the cleaning of race units for $40 p/w. This  includes clean & scrape units and drinkers. Hosed and pressure washed wire floors. Drinkers to be disinfected.

Moved J Angelino Seconded C Cachia

6) VPO offer will be rejected due to a conflict of interest. Although given no amnesty was initially given to departing members we would provide an amnesty of 30 days to re join the WPF and the $100 re joining fee is waived until the 12th of June.

Moved Ray Russell   Seconded T Abraham

7) Sunshine club members accepted these are:

Rodney Gianfala 32 Oleander Dve. St. Albans

John Attard 63 Fairfax Circuit, Albanvale.

8) Ray to respond and advise if we get a long term commitment we would provide a new west section with a minimum of 20 members and they would also receive an amnesty on the $100 fee.

Administration and Race Forms 

Administration and Race Forms are required by the 1st of June

Ring register of all race birds required form the 1st of June 2014

Statutory Declaration is required from all fliers who intend to fly in the Tasmania race. Due 1st race.

Health & Safety Committee 

G Angelino did comprehensive research into possible safety solutions for our baskets whilst loading and unloading and it was established the board needed further expert guidance into possible solutions from a skilled metal worker. Laury Formosa will be contacted.

Laury will be contacted by J Angelino.

Marketing Committee

Both M Portelli and J Farrugia have made there time available to promote the sport of pigeon racing and they are to head the marketing committee. Joe will seek sponsorship from various companies and use the funds for transport and reward the sponsor with their details on our year book.


Raffy Lay has been awarded the conveyor for the 2014 season. He flies with the VHA and is having the year off.


To kick off the 2014 season and bring the flyers together the week before racing starts, on the 21st of June there will be a BBQ for members from 3pm to 6pm.

Moved:  R. Russell   Sec:   J. Farrugia

Michael Portelli to look into purchasing 2 new laptops for the WPF.

Moved  R. Russell  Sec.  D. Vatsakis


Clubs and Secretaries – Reminder

As we are using a new results system this year, we are having to enter ALL members and their details from scratch, so please provide all member details ASAP to Michael Portelli on the email address below. Please ensure to add ALL members current details…including:  Name, Loft number, address, mobile phone numbers and email address. Please note if it is a new member or change of address that will require new co-ordinates.

It is the preference that all letters by members and their clubs is received by email. Please email all correspondence to:

Secretary: M Portelli:  westernpigeonfederation@hotmail.com


Other – Reminder for Board Members who have NOT completed their questionnaire

Ray handed out a Questionnaire to the board members asking for feedback on the following:

  •  What do we do well?
  •  What don’t we do well?

He encouraged members to assist with their input on formulating the following:

  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Core Values
  • Strategic Priority 1:
  • Strategic Priority 2:
  • Strategic Priority 3:


Please have these completed by the next meeting board meeting is scheduled for the 9th of June 2014 at 7.30pm

Meeting closed: 9.45pm

Ray Russell
