WPF Board Meeting 8th of June  2015

 In attendance:           R Russell; M Portelli; C Abela; D Vatsakis; C Cachia;  J Farrugia; J Muscat; J Smith; A Papadakis;    J Pulis; and J Angelino

Apologies:    T Holwell

President Ray Russell opened the meeting at 7.45 pm.

Vale: Ron Peterson and Charlie Grech ex WPF members recently passed away. 1 minute silence was help in respect to our previous members.

Previous board minutes were read and received.

Moved:    J Angelino                          Seconded:  J Farrugia

Business arising out of previous meeting:



Correspondence received:

1)         Deer Park Club / J Spiteri lodged a letter seeking further  clarification on ETS clocking procedure.

2)         David  Becchi from Deer Park Club requesting to race with his own life rings for 2016 only.

3)          Application for membership received from Gordon Tran for Altona Club in 2015 flying in partnership with W Lac    racing name W & G Bros Loft racing at 171 Green gully Road Keilor Downs

4)          Application for membership received from Jimmy Hughes – 16 Yallop Crt East Keilor and Bernie Osborne of Curlew Ave Altona to race in the Yarraville club.

Moved: C Cachia Seconded : J Muscat

Finance Report:

Finance and Treasury report was read.  All in order. Moved J Muscat Seconded M Portelli.

Response to Letters:

1)              The placement of ETS was discussed at length at this meeting in line with previous extensive deliberation in August BOM 2014. This racing by – law was amended in August 2014 to provide a fair and equitable playing filed for all members. The rule was updated from its initial inception in 2005. Rule 13.9 reads:

Amendment   reads:  Electronic pads must be underneath the common roof line and built into the face wall of the loft. The sensors / antennas of an EBSS must be within the entrance of the loft.

(This includes an entry into the face wall of the loft, as long as it is considered the entrance.)

Time does not permit any changes to this by law in 2015 racing season.

2)          Joe  Farrugia moved David Becchi can use his won rings fro Junior only. Seconded C Cachia. Carried all.

3)    & 4 )      Applications accepted for membership – Welcome to the WPF

Moved: C Cachia Seconded :J Pulis: All in favor

General Business

It was moved by J Pulis that ONLY registered federation life rings with a current ring secretary be permitted to race in the WP. Seconded J Farrugia

C Abela reminded club secretaries to have their accounts in order after the last race, so prize money can be paid and distributed at our annual dinner dance on the 27th of November.

M Portelli would like to remind  all members who intend on racing in 2015 to complete the following forms by the 17th June 2015:

– Renewal Members hip form with updated mobile phone numbers for SMS

– Ring Registration

– Statutory Declaration your birds have been inoculated for PMV

In future all forms are required by the 1st of June of that racing year.

WPF Social Barbeque to be held 20th of June 2015 starting at 4 pm. Free for all members and other members who transport there birds on our truck.


Next meeting  13th of July 2015 at 7.30 pm

Meeting closed: 10.00 pm

Ray Russell
