FINLEY – 21st July, 2024 (Squeaker Squadron 2)

FINLEY – 21st July, 2024 (Squeaker Squadron 2)

Benzing Live Australia Results

In todays race from Finley.

Participants: 67 WPF flyers with 2445 birds, 10 GCHC flyers with 112 birds a total of 77 flyers and 2557 birds were released at 10.30am.

WPF & GCHC birds were liberated into a 10-12km west wind at ground level.  Winds are expected to be b/w 25-35km westerly at higher altitudes.

The birds left in one group and cleared within 1 minute for their trip home.

19.07.2024: Basketing Saturday 20.07.2024 from 5pm for a Sunday race 21.07.2024

18.07.2024:  Due to the forecasted weather conditions on Saturday 20.07.2024, being rain, excessively strong westerly winds at altitudes above ground level and heavy snow over the eastern ranges both the WPF and the VRPU Liberation committees are in agreeance and have determined that no race will proceed on Saturday.  The Liberation committees will review the weather forecast for Sunday 21.07.2024 tomorrow and then advise if a Sunday race can be held.  The Liberation committee have left the decision as long as possible to try and get the best outcome for both the flyers and the birds.


Trailer Unloading Club is Deer Park Trailer Unloading Roster.

Benzing Live Users. Evaluation to be done within 1 hour of clocking.

Production of clocks within 2 hours of clocking [don’t be late].


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